Juggle both simultaneously is what I say! Call me dorky...incorporate both in one. The things that excite a knitter, who knew! =) It's fascinating to me the difference in yardage when knitting vs. crocheting. Crocheting pretty much swallows up your yarn stash incredibly fast, while knitting boasts a much less "famished" approach. Some things work better for one or the other, some better combined - that's the fun of it. I've been in combo mode lately. Never a dull moment! That's part of the appeal to me...the trial and error. Certain things that simply don't work for one project work magnificently for another. There's a bulkiness/sturdiness about crochet that at times is hard to achieve with knitting...stitch depending of course. All those "I wouldn't wear it" yarns that have that not-so-soft feel make for great bags. Most of us have a few skeins of coarse fibers wondering what to do with it...build a bag(s). These will be fantastic for all the grocery bags I'll need to be cranking out and stockpiling in the trunk. Purses galore...a girl can never have too many. Creative flubs make for pleasant surprises!
I encountered an old swatch pile recently & decided to get some use out of them as well...rather than sit in a storage tub, I've got a cute color
work coin purse in the making (finishing up the zipper & lining) & a handful of covers for my very lucky cell phone...it has more of a wardrobe than I do! That's just wrong...but quite comical. I've also been dabbling in a new bag idea...I've been itching to try a beautiful cable panel that I adapted into a bag pattern. It's still in very early stages, but I'm enjoying every stitch along the way while I'm daydreaming of my next cardigan--it's been too long! *need more hands* I need to learn some self control with the knitting. =) An addiction, but a healthy one. So much for control, I'm off to feed my fingers.