It was going to be "Ripley" but after seeing so many patterns or projects with this name already, I decided to go with "Siggy." A little shout out to the Weaver because well, she's a badass. Every time I set eyes on this cable it reminds me of the Alien trilogy and that of course sends my thoughts straight to H.R. Giger. Genius, if I may. My sweater is not by any means, but his artwork and designs are eerily fascinating to me. Ryan (my squeeze) as sweet as he is got dragged on the same ride at Disney World just so I could see the mama alien salivate a few more times...that was insanely cool!!! Yes, an Aran cable panel triggered all of this...silly, maybe...but it did. =) I wanted to work this in a charcoal or black, but when I saw the green it was a must have for me...and well, I couldn't wait to get my hands in it. So that's why I named her "Siggy."
She fits beautifully, though I regret a very stupid decision in shortening one of the pattern repeats around the middle of the cable panel. It looks like an error rather than a design feature. Ugh. I had to be a was the wrong sweater to try something out on. Meh, it's always something. If it were a different yarn I don't think I'd mind so much, but that won't stop me from wearing it. Well, I can rave about madelinetosh dk all day long, but I'll spare you my babbles. If you haven't used it yet and you have the means to splurge a little - even if only once, you won't be sorry. It's got great spring, super soft, very easy to work with and the color!!! Have I mentioned the color?! ; ) I've got to try my ravishing red more neglecting my beauty. Tart's on my list.