How beautiful! Jealousy is running wild through my veins! I just received some photos from family back east. The snow storm in NJ - a whopping 25+ inches! Oh, how I miss the sight of snowflakes descending outside my living room window on a frigid winter morning. Driving stinks, but the snowball extravaganza would totally make up for it!!! Let's not forget the ice slides, snow angels and snowmen dressed to lucky.

Then there's my sweet little Christmas 'Tese, Daphne frolicking about in her favorite knitted holiday dress that I made her. Oh yes I did. =) Upon waking this morning I offered her a treat after our morning routine, which she refused. I scratched my head wondering why, that's unlike her to refuse food of any kind-especially a treat. She instantly ran to my desk and began pawing at my chair in excitement. All she wanted was to sit on my lap and smother me with kisses. LOL She's not starved for attention by any means (aka spoiled), just very affectionate...some days more than others. I love my pooch so much it's ridiculous!!! I can't believe she's about to turn 3 already.
Knitting time has commenced yet again! Not that it ever stopped, but it slowed greatly around the holidays. I'm finishing up my chunky sweater sporting some autumny colors that I'm anxious to wear along with a new cabled slouchy hat design using the remaining hank of my madelinetosh. New year, new needling and new patterns to come! Yippee! Happy knitting and cheers to an eventful New Year ahead!