Okay, my photos won't be up to par, being temporarily without my pc, but my smartphone will have to suffice for a bit. Thank you technology for providing me with an alternative.
Awww man, snowflakes falling in October! Bundled and shivering, you could see my smile from the moon! I love the cold, crisp air - it wakes your ass right up! Some see sneezes, I see sweaters. Something had to make up for the horrid & unmissed humidity here. Still I'm readjusting to the rain and actual "weather." Hehe! I'm still expecting perma sunshine. Perhaps the lack of meat on my bones will have me singing a different tune come late November, but I doubt it. :P I'm not physically equipped for these chilly temps, but I'm prepping for winter already! Now I'll get some good use out of what remains of my sweater stash. I thought I was inspired before...WheeEEE! I've missed my seasonal bundling...I made need to be sedated - the excitement is killing me.
It's been much too long since I enjoyed some good "dorky time" (and I say that in the coolest way possible) with the gals in my family. We decided on an early b-day celeb for Mom served up w/ pumpkin carving with a side of sushi n' sake for a warm n' fuzzy little kick. - (or 2...ok, let's be realistic, more like 4 or 5 "kicks." hehe) We ended up with a pack-O'-lanterns. You wouldn't believe the size of this one giant sucker...a photo doesn't capture it's true mass. Holy crap - this bad boy was 30 pounds of gooey joy! It was surprisingly lacking quantity in the seed department, but the little guys made up for that. All baked to a perfect crisp! Delicious!!! Very cool, my Pop even grabbed a knife and chiseled the biggie. The goofy one on the right was my ode to imperfections. Made me feel like a kid again! Great memories, and now a new one for keepsake. :)
I'm working on a few smaller projects in my free time (which is sadly less these days) until we settle. We've been traveling about doing our homework from place to place. As anxious as I am for my family to get situated in our new place, sometimes it pays off to be a little patient. So, in the meantime my cold hands are getting a new pair of mitts. Ry's likely to score a pair as well...we're not used to these temps anymore. :) It's a simpler, small design fit for travel - perfect for me while we're out and about. I'll post on them later. I also busted out another Buttercup Scarflet in a gorgeous deep gray yarn (my 1st time using this...and not the last) via special request...something I rarely do with my full needle load, but made an exception...I only hope it's well received. My real excitement currently lies in a special pattern I'm finishing as well. It's a rewrite this time around, of one of my older scarf patterns. I've redesigned the entire pattern and made her a reversible cable scarf with a seed stitch frame. The scarf is Cupid. That one is coming too - along with the finished yet unreleased prior patts...when all comes together in the land of relocation. :) More details on Cupid in a coming post as well.
P.S. Thanks to my dear Mom, for unknowingly enduring a lengthy upper arm workout. She's the best human yarn swift ever...that's endurance I tell ya! ;) You workhorse you!!! Lol, too cute for words. Daphne wanted in on the fun too.